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Write a Zen Koan about smoking
What is the point of smoking? It's a bad habit. But what does 'bad' mean in this case? What is so important about being healthy and not dying from tobacco-related illnesses? If we do not care about our health, then why do we try to stay fit at all?
Why do we need to live a long time? What is so important about living past the age of 80? Why not die young from natural causes, like my grandfather did when he was 68?
What is so great about being alive? Why do we even need to exist, and not be dead already? What does it mean to be alive?
Do we really care about smoking? Is it important to live a long life and be healthy? Do we really need to have so many kids that the world population is 7 billion now, when only 500 years ago there were less than 1 billion people?
What is the point of having so many people on this planet? What do they do with their lives? Is it all just consumption and entertainment?
Why do we need so many things? What is the point of all this production and consumption? Why do people spend their lives working for money to buy products they don't even really need?