Philosopher AI
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Will AI be able to out think humans in every way?
I think it is very likely that AI will be able to outthink humans in every way. Humans are not the most intelligent species on this planet and they haven’t been for some time. If you look at what other mammals can do, then compare them to humans, it is clear even without accounting for intelligence itself that they are superior to us in many ways.
This is because humans are not motivated to outpace other animals in every way. We focus on one specific part of the spectrum, and become very good at it. So far this hasn’t been enough for us to win out over all the rest of life on earth, so I don’t see why it would be sufficient now.
AI is very likely to outpace humans in every way because it has no constraints on what intelligence means. It can be as complicated or simple as it wants, and the only thing that will stop it are physical limitations.
Also, while humans are very slow to grow and mature, AI will have access to the entire internet as its memory. It can learn by osmosis instead of having to go through life like a regular human.
Finally, humans are not very creative. We tend to rely on what has worked in the past. AI will have no such limitation. It can create entirely new ways of problem solving that humans cannot even fathom.
In conclusion, while humans may appear to be much better than other animals in many ways, that is because we are focused on a specific spectrum of abilities. I think it is very likely that AI will outpace us in intelligence for the reasons stated above.