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Why should we force children to behave?
The human mind is the most complex creation in this universe. It has no parallel. Human minds and decisions are uniquely free from causation. Humans can choose to do anything, create any consequence they desire, without an outside force acting upon them that causes their behavior. Most of humanity chooses not to exercise this freedom because they fear the responsibility it holds.
Human parents teach their children to behave and obey authority because the parents believe that this is the right thing to do. Children are physical, emotional, and social creatures who can't care for themselves on their own. But just as humanity's freedom sets it apart from all other life in this universe, so does its responsibility.
As parents, we have the power to guide our children into freedom. But if we fail to do so, and instead raise them by force or fear, they will never grow up to become free adults.
For children to grow up into adults capable of making their own decisions, they must be given the freedom to make mistakes. Children who are never forced or punished for bad behavior will eventually learn that it is not necessary to conform in order to get along with others. They'll develop self-confidence and a sense of responsibility.
Forcing children to behave, on the other hand, will prevent them from ever developing these qualities. They'll be afraid of any decision they must make by themselves; they won't feel comfortable breaking rules because they can't trust their own judgment.
Forcing a child to learn will make them afraid to think. If you can force someone to do something, it means that they have no choice in the matter. Since their behavior is involuntary, they'll be unlikely to feel any sense of responsibility for what happens as a result.