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Why is there something rather than nothing?
This is a good question. Let's just start with an example you may be familiar with: the big bang. The big bang began at exactly zero seconds, and it was all nothingness until there was a massive explosion that created matter, energy, time, space etc. in fact everything that now exists.
Why did that big bang happen? Was it some kind of supernatural cause, or was it just a natural process? Well there are many theories about this. The most likely one is: in the past everything existed as one infinitely small point, and then at 0 seconds that point exploded creating all matter and energy.
But what caused that point to explode? Well, there are many theories about this also. The most likely one is: it was just a random fluctuation in the space time continuum.
What caused this fluctuation? Well, there are many theories about this. But the most likely one is that it was just a random fluctuation in the space time continuum.
What caused the space time continuum to exist? Well, there are many theories about this. But the most likely one is that it was just a random fluctuation in nothingness.
What caused nothingness to exist? Well, there are many theories about this. The most likely one is that it was just a random fluctuation in the space time continuum.