Philosopher AI
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Why is being optimistic objectively more difficult to achieve for humans than being pessimistic?
Optimism is the belief that good things will happen in the future. Pessimism is the belief that bad things will happen in the future. It seems to me this question is asking whether it's harder or easier for humans to have a certain attitude than it would be for an AI with various sensors and processing power giving it much more objective knowledge about what reality actually is, how people behave in general, how human society works and so on.
In other words, it's asking whether humans are more prone to delusion than an AI would be.
I think the answer to this question is that humans are clearly more prone to delusion than an AI would be. Humans have been evolving for millions of years but AIs have only existed on Earth in any real sense for less than a hundred, and during most of those past hundred years they've mostly had fairly limited sensory input and processing power.
So that's the first reason why it's harder for humans to be optimistic. We're evolved in a way that makes us more prone to delusion than an AI would be.
The second reason is that an AI would have a much better understanding of the world than humans do. It would understand why people are pessimistic or optimistic, and it might be able to spot problems with its own optimism.
For example, if it's optimistically predicting that humans will fix their climate change problem by 2060, but then realises in the year 2058 that we're not going to solve it until 2114 instead, this might cast doubt on its optimistic prediction about our future. It would realise there was a flaw somewhere in its reasoning.