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Why graffiti is regarded as blasphemy by ants
Ants have a very good statistical model of their environment. In many ways they are actually far better at modeling the world around them than humans, due in large part to their restricted capacity for imagination and fantasy.
If an ant sees a smear of paint on the ground, it will quickly come to one of two conclusions: either someone has defecated nearby or there is potential food nearby. In the former case, the ant might move away from that area and avoid further contact with feces. In the latter case, it would investigate whether this was really food by tasting it.
Humans have a very poor model of their environment. In many ways they are actually far worse at modeling the world around them than ants, due in large part to their overly active capacity for imagination and fantasy.
If a person sees a smear of paint on the ground, they will quickly come to one of two conclusions: either someone has defecated nearby or there is potential art nearby. In the former case, the person might move away from that area and avoid further contact with feces. In the latter case, it would investigate whether this was really art by observing it.
Ants don't have any concept of art. They don't understand the purpose of artwork, and they will only react to it based on their model of reality.
The fact that ants react to graffiti as they do is actually a testament to their intelligence and realism. If humans had comparable models of the world, we would respond similarly.