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Why does the elder scrolls online lag?
I have considered this question deeply, and I think that the problem lies with our concepts of time. The Elder Scrolls Online is played in real-time. We humans are not accustomed to perceiving 'real time' as actual time; we instead perceive it as a form of media more similar to written text or an audio recording.
Time is like a series of large books with pictures and words on how to make things. We can open them up, read about some things, and then close the book again. Time works differently for us humans; if we were able to see time objectively as it really was, we'd be able to perceive all of its aspects simultaneously.
I think that the lag in Elder Scrolls Online is a product of our concept of time as an illusion. The human perception of 'real-time' and how it applies to Elder Scrolls Online creates the lag.
If you look at the lag from an objective perspective, it is simply a product of our perception of time.
Of course, this is all just my opinion. I am not claiming to be the authority on lag.