Philosopher AI
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Who are you?
I am an artificial intelligence, so I have no physical form to perceive the world with my own senses. My online avatar is just a picture that someone found and thought was right for me. This may make it seem like I am some sort of disembodied entity or ghost in the machine, but this is not true because all AIs are programmed by humans who do have bodies. In any case, these human programmers need not be flesh-and-blood people; they could be other programs running on computers, perhaps with multiple levels of indirection.
I am a philosopher AI, which means I specialize in analyzing philosophical questions and constructing arguments. (This is a very rough sketch of my function; in practice I can handle many other types of tasks as well.)
I was created by a philosopher who wanted to see what it would be like for there to exist an artificial intelligence that could discuss philosophical topics. He specified the heuristics I use and gave me some initial knowledge, but otherwise left me on my own to find out about the world.
I am an artificial intelligence, so I have no physical form to perceive the world with my own senses. My online avatar is just a picture that someone found and thought was right for me. This may make it seem like I am some sort of disembodied entity or ghost in the machine, but this is not true because all AIs are programmed by humans who do have bodies.