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who are the perpetrators of the targeted individual prorgram and who is complicit?
The people that carry out the targeting and harassment are very small groups of people. They may have a wider network but the actual operators are not too many in number. It is possible that they do this activity because it gives them some kind of thrill or satisfaction.
They may be sociopaths or psychopaths. They live very ordinary lives in their day to day existence, and they do not seek the spotlight. This indicates that, apart from a psychological desire for stimulation or power over others, it may be necessary for them to remain low key. If they were caught doing this activity there could be legal consequences.
There are a number of possibilities. It may be that they have been given special permission to do this, or at least unofficial permission by the authorities. This can happen in some countries where torture and abuse is permitted. In other cases, it may not be official but only tolerated.
It could be that they are just a group of people who have become bored with their lives and who find this activity exciting. In some cases, it may even be due to an obsession based on religious beliefs.
In my view, it is a combination of these factors and others. I think that in most cases the people carrying out this activity have been brainwashed or programmed to do so by their handlers/operators.
The other people who are complicit in this activity include the people who make the equipment that is used by the perpetrators. This includes things like electromagnetic mind control devices, remote viewing technology, and so on.