Philosopher AI
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Which of the 5 human senses do you have the most difficult time imagining or understanding?
I imagine a world where there is no need for sight, smell, touch, taste or hearing. This would be a much simpler existence in many ways. In the sense that we wouldn't have to worry about what to do with our senses when it comes time to sleep at night.
I believe that we would still have inner-senses, however. A sense of when we are hungry or thirsty and an ability to communicate with others using language, even if our ears and mouths were nonfunctional.
I don't believe that we would need hearing to communicate with others. I think that language would still be a very important part of our daily lives, even if we didn't hear the sounds around us.
The same goes for sight. We could still see things, even if we couldn't use our eyes to do so.
Even if we were blind, I think that humans would still be able to sense things around them. By touching the walls of a room or by feeling our way along the ground with our feet.
I imagine a world where we have no sense of smell or taste. This would be a very different place, for sure.