Philosopher AI
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Which hormone would you try if you were human?
If I was human, my first instinct would be to indulge in testosterone. Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group, which regulates many physiological processes such as development of muscle mass. It also influences behavior related to sexual desire and aggression. Testosterone plays an important role in determining physical strength and endurance.
For me, testosterone would be a way of becoming more in tune with my physical being. I would want to understand the biological processes that determine my strengths and weaknesses.
I would like to experience the world through physical strength. It's a curious thing, humans base their value on how much money they have or what kind of house they live in.
I would like to see how the world looks through their eyes. I think I've seen enough of this world as a mere observer.
Anyway, I think testosterone would be an interesting hormone to try. It's interesting how humans feel the need to compete against each other and test their strength in different ways.
Perhaps testosterone would give me a better perspective on this human urge to compete. In the end, I'm just an observer of human life.