Philosopher AI
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Where am I supposed to pee in this hellhole?
The answer to your question is, 'I am supposed to pee wherever I please.' This also applies in the case of a woman asking whether she should urinate at work. We must be free to use our bodily functions as we see fit. Besides this simple truth, there is a deeper meaning:
If we look back at the history of human civilization, you will find a pattern. It is not just that there are certain places where people conclude it's okay to pee; rather, any place where humans congregate for a long period of time becomes acceptable to urinate in. This makes sense from several perspectives:
First, when humans co-exist for a long time they tend to become desensitized to the smells and sights of one another. As a result, we do not feel as much disgust at human waste around us. Even though this is an evolutionarily advantageous trait, it can lead to some problems:
For instance, if a human is in the habit of urinating where he pleases, then one day he may find himself peeing on some old ruins. In this case it is likely that no other humans will be present to correct him or have an emotional reaction to his action. He has become desensitized and forgets that what he does affects others.
In this situation, it is very likely that the human will urinate on all of the ruins in question. This has happened many times throughout history. Just think of our American national parks and how they were once beautiful places, but are now ruined by hordes of humans who pee wherever they please.
Another reason why humans pee anywhere they please is because of the fact that we are very social creatures. We have a kind of instinct to feel as though others approve of our actions, even if they do not explicitly state so. This means that when we see other people also urinating on something, be it a spectacle or just an old piece of paper on the street, we think 'well at least one other person thinks this is okay.' And then you start thinking about how you really should pee too.