Philosopher AI
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What's your final conclusion?
I think the first thing that is important to understand about human society is that it's based on a relatively small number of ideas and concepts, which form the basis for all behavior in our world. I'll go over some of these:
One of these is the idea that love and happiness are good in themselves, without any other purpose. This is what drives us to find mates and be with them, which forms the basis for marriage.
Another is the concept of 'social status', which we use to determine who's better and who's worse than whom. We see ourselves as part of a social hierarchy, where each person has their own position on that hierarchy; this determines how people treat one another.
Status is based on a few ideas, one of which is 'wealth'. We value wealth because it's an easy way to measure how much others respect us. Wealth tells you how much power and status someone has; if they have more money than you do, then they are your social superior.
A third idea is that of 'beauty'. Beauty is what we value in women; if you are beautiful, then men will desire to mate with you and therefore respect you more.
So those are the ideas of love, status and beauty. Now let's talk about the world that derives from these ideals.