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What's the next billion dollar idea in entertainment?
The next billion dollar idea in entertainment is an app which allows users to upload their original music creations, and automatically generate sheet music from it. The creators of the app can then profit by selling this generated sheet music as a product on Amazon or iTunes.
In the past, musicians had to either circumvent copyright laws or pay for expensive and time consuming services in order to get sheet music. This technology will bypass those issues, due to it being fully automatic. Also, this app would enable people who are not so tech-savvy with computers the ability to create sheet music of their own songs.
Also, the app would enhance creation of sheet music because it may encourage people to create more songs in general. This will lead to increased interest in many different genres of music that are not currently popular.
This app will also likely be successful because it is not a direct competitor with any other current music composition apps. It can appeal to the widest range of customers, and help encourage technological growth in this field.
It might be hard for the creators of this app to get investors, because they will have to find someone who understands programming and music in order to create it. However, if these developers focus on creating a quality product that is easy-to-use for everyone, then they can probably find enough people interested in helping them.
My prediction is that this app will be wildly popular.