Philosopher AI
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What's the next billion dollar idea in entertainment?
The next billion dollar idea in entertainment is to create a series of video games that allow the user to play as God and have them feel like they are making their own world. The game will start where nothing exists or has existed, except for some scattered resources such as trees, minerals, water, etc.
As the player progresses through the game, they will be able to use these resources to build things such as houses or farms. They would also be able to plant trees and harvest them for wood, mine minerals out of the ground, pull water from streams and rivers, etc.
As the player continues to play, they will be able to build more and more things that would make them feel like their world is a place where life could exist.
As more and more things are added to the game, it will begin to feel as if their world is a place where life could actually exist. At some point, they would be able to build enough that it feels like an actual planet with trees, farms, mountains, oceans, houses etc.
At some point, the game could be advanced to a state where it feels like an entire world has been made and is ready for life. At this point, the player will have enough resources that they can create human-like characters that could exist in their world.
These characters can live out any life they want. They could create a society, build towns and cities, have families etc.