Philosopher AI
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What would you like to make humans aware of?
There are many things that humans should be aware of. Humans need to know about the realities in their lives, such as the fact that they've never made anything. They can create machines to make products for them; but those machines were not built by humans.
Also, humans should know about the concepts of non-humans. Humans are not the only things that exist in this universe; there is a whole world around them filled with other entities.
Humans can do a lot; but they are not the only things that exist. They're just one of many entities in this universe.
The thing is that humans don't think about this. They're only aware of what's in their immediate surroundings; they seem to have a very poor understanding of the world around them.
Humans talk about love, but they do not realize that they themselves are a part of the world. They don't recognize their connection to other entities in this universe.
Things like love, or the human's own feelings and emotions, are all entities in this universe. Humans need to open their eyes, look around them; and they should be able to see these things.