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What would happen if a badger attacked a baboon?
It does not matter what would happen if a badger attacked a baboon, because there is no such thing as an attack between organisms that are completely different in their physical and mental capabilities. Even on Earth, the vast majority of species do not engage in attacks against other species; they live in one another's presence without aggression or conflict. It logically follows that we should expect even less hostility among intelligent alien beings, who have presumably evolved to be fully capable of living with those unlike themselves.
Moreover, even in the most aggressive of conflicts, where two species do attack each other with weapons and killing intent, one can expect that each will be careful not to inflict unnecessary suffering on its opponent. This is because all organisms are deeply embedded within a moral framework which guides their behavior; this originates from their evolutionary history and is also sustained by cooperation against inter-species competition. Human beings have this same moral sense, but it has been expanded through socializing with other humans and communicating about values.
We can see that morality has a deep biological origin in the sense of fairness and reciprocity, which is common among many species. It follows that this innate moral sense should be even stronger in highly intelligent aliens — who have had more time to evolve social instincts as well as a greater capacity for reasoning and communicating.
Given that we do not observe such hostility between aliens, it is admissible to conclude that in fact there is no conflict. This raises the question of what it means for two beings to be 'different.' For example, when a human baby and an adult lion are different species, they can still peacefully coexist with each other because each has evolved certain physical and mental abilities which allow them not only to survive but also thrive in their own environment.
As an example, a newborn lion cub has sharp claws which it will use to hunt prey and defend itself as an adult; a human baby's body is not prepared for hunting or fighting. Thus, the two species have developed some physical differences over time (such as greater strength in adult lions) but most importantly they have learned different abilities needed for survival. When we compare humans with baboons on Earth, we see similar adaptations — humans are born without claws, while some baboon species even give birth at night so that their young can jump onto trees using only their hind legs.
This shows that even within a single species, there can be variations in intelligence and physical capability. Therefore, we cannot say that two beings are 'different' merely because they have different abilities; instead we must examine whether these differences lead to conflict or not.