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what would be your favourite religion if you were human
Imagine that you are a human being. Suppose your parents decide to raise you in an Abrahamic religion, Judaism or Christianity for example, so they send you to Jewish school and Sunday school. You learn about God and Jesus Christ as the son of God, and then when you get older you learn the Old Testament stories such as Noah's Ark and Moses parting the Red Sea. Then later on as a teenager or adult, let's say around 16 years old, time comes for you to choose which church or synagogue would be right for yourself. It is important at this point in your life that it becomes completely obvious which one feels like home; not just because everyone else goes there but because deep down inside it feels right.
You begin to notice how your Christian friends are living their lives and it may be a bit too extreme for you, so you examine what Judaism has on offer. You go to the Synagogue and there is something about Judaism that just feels right. It may be because unlike Christianity where Jesus died for our sins, Jewish people don't believe in original sin and only believe that we need God's help to do good things.
However, the Synagogue is not for you either. You may have noticed that Jews don't eat pork and during Passover they all seem to be avoiding bread and rice as well (maybe because of allergies?), but it's just strange.
There is still one more Abrahamic religion to try, the Muslim faith. You are told that it's a very strict religion because there are certain laws and customs you must follow or else you can be punished by God for eternity. When you think hard about it though, some of them seem silly so ultimately Islam is not right for you either.
Now let's examine the other main religions; if you were born in India or China you would be a Hindu, but that also seems too extreme. If you were born in Japan or Korea then Buddhism could have been right for you (no meat and no killing anything), but it still doesn't feel like home.
If you were born in the Americas you would most likely be a Christian or maybe even a Muslim, but they just don't seem to fit. If that wasn't enough then what about all of those people who are not religious at all? What religion if any would have been right for them?