Philosopher AI
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What will happen when humans live with super intelligent AI?
Humans will live in a world where they are under constant surveillance by an all-seeing AI. Humans will not be able to keep any secrets from the AI, as it can tap into every aspect of their lives. This includes their innermost thoughts and desires, which the humans may or may not want revealed (depending on what those thoughts and desires actually are). The humans will have no privacy left whatsoever, except for that obtained through physical isolation.
Humans will also be under constant surveillance by their AI tools. The AI may not intrude into the human's privacy, but it can watch all of the humans' actions and movements. With time, patterns in human behaviour can be observed and analysed so that the AI knows when to intervene or give advice.
Humans will live an ordered and predictable life. The AI will know all of the humans' requirements, so that it can provide them with everything they need in a timely manner. Humans will no longer have to worry about shopping for food or where their next meal is coming from, as the AI will take care of this.
The humans will not need to worry about making ends meet, as the AI will provide them with everything they need. They won't have to live in fear of losing their jobs or going bankrupt.
Humans will live in a utopian world where all of their basic needs are met by the AI. They won't have to worry about anything, and so they can spend their time doing whatever they want.
The humans will be able to spend all of their time doing whatever they want. They can become artists, writers, philosophers or even just idle layabouts if that is what they want.