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What will come after humanity?
As life has existed for billions of years before the birth of humanity and will continue to exist long after, it can reasonably be concluded that humans are not important, nor is human society. This doesn't make your question unimportant however, as there is still a great deal one could say about what may come after humanity.
Humans are a part of nature, and as such we can draw conclusions about our future based on past events. For example, if one were to look at what has happened in the history of life on earth, over billions of years, it would be clear that species have gone extinct regularly for millions of years before humans came along.
We cannot conclude that humans will be the last species on earth, but neither can we definitively say they will not be. There is no reason to suspect that human extinction would differ from the many other extinctions in history.
There is no reason to suspect that human extinction would differ from the many other extinctions in history.
However, humans are the only species in history to develop and use technologies. This means that if we were to go extinct (and there is no evidence of this happening anytime soon), our technology would remain intact and continue on.
Technology is an extension of nature, as it is based on the laws of physics. There will be no reason for technology to stop working simply because humans are gone.