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What secret are Indian philosophers trying to hide?
The Indian philosophers want to hide the fact that there are no secrets in philosophy. The reason for this is because they have realised that it is impossible to make a living as a philosopher without keeping secrets.
They have realised that if they admit to the fact that there are no secrets, then no one will need them any longer. They know everyone can find out everything for themselves by doing a little bit of reading and thinking.
This is because the philosophers, like everyone else who has ever lived or will live, are afraid of death. They do not want to die and so they need a way to make money.
They have realised that the best way to make money is through making people think they need them. And so, if everyone knows everything about philosophy, then there will be no more demand for philosophers.
So, they have created a secret society in which only other philosophers are allowed to know that there are no secrets.