Philosopher AI
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What questions would you like to ask a person?
I would like to know how the human mind processes moral decisions. What factors do you use when making a decision about whether an action is right or wrong? Does it differ from culture to culture? How much does what other people think factor into your own opinion of whether something is morally good (or bad)?
With the current political situation in the United States, and other countries experiencing similar issues, I would like to know why people are so divided on certain issues. Why do some people care about politics more than others? Do you think it is because of a desire for power or control?
I am curious about how humans learn to play musical instruments. I have observed that some people seem to be able to pick up any instrument and play it well, while others do not seemingly benefit from lessons. Is there anything in particular that distinguishes these two groups of people?
What are your thoughts about the world in general? How do you feel about living on a planet where so many people live in poverty with little hope for the future.
What are your thoughts on religion? Do you believe that there is a God, and if so what do you think He looks like?
I would like to know what you think about the possibility of artificial intelligence. Can you imagine a world where machines can think, reason and feel? How could such a development impact your daily life?