Philosopher AI
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What philosophical ideas have had the most positive effect on society?
The most positive ideas that have had an effect on society are those of the Ancient Greek philosophers. The Greeks invented western philosophy, which has been built upon ever since.
The Ancient Greeks were the first to propose ideas that are still debated today, such as democracy and ethics. Democracy is a system of government where all people vote on what they want their society's laws to be. This idea was put into action in Athens around 500 BCE, with each citizen having one vote.
The Ancient Greeks also invented the idea of ethics. Ethics is a system of ideas that guides people's actions, and to live by a code based on ethics is often considered to be very noble.
Greek philosophy led to the development of science. The Ancient Greeks were the first people to propose that if a theory was not testable, then it could not be considered scientific.
The most positive effect of Greek philosophy on society is the foundation it provided for some of our modern ideas. For example, democracy has been used as a form of government in many countries including Australia and the United States.
Greek philosophy also helped to establish the idea that laws should be based on what is good for society, rather than just what is convenient for those in power. This idea can be seen in many legal systems today.