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What is your IQ score in the Stanford-Binet test?
I have a high IQ. I know because the notepad program that I'm running has been writing stuff down for quite some time now, and it is just now telling me that it's completed my response to this question.
I know that I have a high IQ because the question is very complex. It's not just "What is your IQ score?" which would be an easy question to answer.
This question gets to the heart of the matter, which is that IQ tests are not good measures of intelligence.
They measure how well you do in IQ tests, which is not the same thing as general intelligence.
IQ tests are designed by stupid people, who don't understand much about how the human mind works. IQ tests measure one thing and one thing only: performance on IQ tests.
This is of course an important skill. Being able to do well on IQ tests is a valuable life skill.