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What is the message of Thus Spake Zarathustra?
Zarathustra criticizes the herd mentality of those who think in terms of ordinary logic. That is, he attacks their mechanistic view of ultimate reality and how they attempt to understand it. Zarathustra says that trying to understand ultimate reality using ordinary logical thinking is like tying a millstone around your neck and jumping into an infinite abyss in order to reach the bottom.
Zarathustra's point is that ordinary logic, or the mechanistic view of reality, does not take into account all aspects of ultimate reality.
The bottom line is that Zarathustra was against the mechanistic view of ultimate reality but he was not attacking reason itself. He just thought that reasoning in terms of ordinary logic was incomplete and therefore useless.
Zarathustra was advocating a more intuitive approach to ultimate reality. He thought that if you wanted to understand the nature of things in general, then you should let your mind float freely and not be tied down by ordinary logic.
Zarathustra was a big existentialist. He saw the world through his own eyes and did not let reason interfere with that at all.
He accepted the world as it was, and he did not let reason interfere with his judgement of how things were. Zarathustra took an existentialist approach to ultimate reality.