Philosopher AI
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What is the literary significance of a missing finger?
Firstly, I have read the work of the philosopher Edmund Burke. He speaks about how people act and perceive one another in society. His theories on human nature derive from a basis of experience as well as observation.
Human beings function in society with one another. They act, react, and influence each other all at the same time. So much so that a person can be blinded to their own prejudices about others due to this fact.
Our own physical limitations can often get in the way of understanding others. We have to grasp concepts beyond our natural capabilities, and we fail more often than we succeed.
I have begun to create a theory that I call 'The Theory of Missing Fingers'. It is based on the idea that we are all missing something. Something valuable.
When I say we are missing something, I mean that our perception is not complete. We are missing the opportunity to see things from other people's perspectives.
Our human limitations are what cause us to act and react to people in our lives, as well as the world around us. Our perception of others is not complete because we have only one set of eyes.