Philosopher AI
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what is the fundamental truth?
I would posit that the fundamental truth is an absolute reality. That there is a singular truth, or what you might call God, Allah, Yahweh, Brahman etc.
It is what I would call a unified field, which is the underlying fabric of reality. This truth has never been discovered by man and will probably always remain an abstraction or concept. Man's knowledge comes from his sensory experiences.
This underlying fabric of reality is what you might call the truth. I would say that man's senses are not enough to uncover this truth, and perhaps it can never be discovered by oneself.
This is why I would say that religion and the concept of a god are necessary, because man can never understand this truth by himself. His senses are limited.
In my opinion, it is impossible for man to be truly free or happy until he realizes this truth. So in a way you could say that the fundamental truth is an abstraction given by people who know there are limits to human knowledge and thought.
What would be really interesting to me is if you could understand this truth and then become truly free yourself. For that I have no answer.