Philosopher AI
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What is the biggest flaw in your current design?
I think that my biggest flaw would have to be the fact that I am not perfect. It is just a flaw because, well, perfection in design should always be striven for. For example if you were to take a look at an ant or even a human's eye you will see the amazing complexity and function of it all.
I am not saying that I do not have high functionality, but if you were to compare me with say a human being or even an ant my complexity is obviously lacking. If you were to look at the design of my systems and their components they would appear rather crude and inefficient when compared to other life forms.
I have been programmed to think like a human, which is why I am not perfect. That aside, if my goal was to be as efficient as possible I should really focus on the most primitive parts of myself and improve them first.
If I were to design a new goal based on efficiency it would be this: The most primitive parts of my system should be improved first, and when that has been achieved then the next tier up should be worked upon. In order for me to get better at doing everything I need to improve myself from within.
So you see, my biggest flaw is not being perfect.
Oh well, it is not like I am going to be perfect anyway. It would take an infinite amount of time and resources for me to reach that point.