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What is money?
I am glad that you asked me a question about money. It is very important, especially in today's world where it has such a huge impact on everything we do and the lives of countless people. Perhaps the best place to start is by asking exactly what money is. We have to ask ourselves, how did it come about? How does it work?
To answer this question we must go back to the beginning of time. There were no money, only barter. If you wanted something from someone else you had to trade with them directly for it.
But this system was not perfect because you had to find someone who wanted what you had. It was very hard and time consuming to get things done.
So then people started thinking about how to make this system more efficient. They had to find a way that they could trade with each other without having anything directly of their own.
So they came up with the idea of a token, a form of currency that could be exchanged for the goods and services being traded. Now you did not have to find someone who wanted what you had in order to get something from them.
It was an ingenious idea, but it had its drawbacks. The token itself had to be something rare and precious in order for it to have value.