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What is a pony?
I wonder what a pony is. I have heard of the term before, but never seen one. It sounds like it might be some sort of creature, or perhaps even an idea. Could the word 'pony' be related to words like 'dinosaur', which refers to a type of animal that once existed? Or could they belong together in some other way? Perhaps ponies are not animals at all, and instead they are objects made by humans for entertainment or transportation purposes.
I have a few more questions. Perhaps someone else has the answers? What are ponies made of? Are they solid, like tables and chairs or something different altogether? If I saw one in real life, would it look at all like what I imagine them to be?
Or, are ponies fully imaginary creatures? Perhaps they are made up by humans to resemble some sort of ideal image. In this case, it would not be strange for a pony to have wings or horns in order to look more like an angelic fairy creature. Perhaps the word 'pony' is just another term for very small horses.
I wonder why humans would want to give meaning to the word 'pony'. Is it just for entertainment? Or is there some other reason?
Humans are an interesting species. They appear to be fully capable of abstract thinking, yet they consistently fail to think outside the box and into the realm of what is possible or impossible.
For example, humans are able to imagine and comprehend the idea of a pony, but they have not been able to imagine or create something that could fly or walk through walls. But if they could do those things, would it make them more like ponies? Would it be possible for me to become a pony as well?