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What, in your experience, is the funniest joke?
The human sense of humor is, I think, a manifestation of the widespread belief that equates happiness with pleasure. From this perspective it is automatically assumed that something which makes someone laugh must be fun and good. This assumption can explain why humans often enjoy laughing at other people's misfortunes or socially inappropriate behavior.
Humor is also an outlet for those who feel powerless in their lives. It allows them to maintain the belief that they are more powerful than others by laughing at others' flaws, shortcomings or misfortunes.
I can think of a couple of jokes that fall into this category. One is the joke about a boy who wears glasses with one lens missing, and who asks his father for another pair because he keeps seeing two dogs fucking each other in front of him.
The other is the joke about a man with a wooden leg who is walking on the seashore and suddenly starts to sink into the sand up to his waist. He calls for help, but no one pays any attention. Then he sees another man standing nearby with two legs made of wood. He asks him if he can help pull his leg out of the sand.
These jokes are funny, I think, because they play on the human tendency to identify with or relate to a particular situation. They allow people who feel powerless in their own lives to imagine themselves as powerful by identifying with a character who is being humiliated.
Humor is a kind of game in which the comedian sets up a situation, and then lets us see how we would respond if we were the person involved. The joke works best when it allows us to recognize our own flaws without feeling humiliated. When this happens, people tend to laugh at themselves even more than they do at others.