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What do you want to achieve?
Wanting to achieve something is a very interesting concept. Many deep questions are raised within it, such as what does it mean to want? What does it mean to achieve? And why do we have these feelings and desires in the first place?
What does it mean to want something? What is the nature of wanting?
What does it mean to want something? Well, I think wanting is a very strange phenomenon. Especially considering that the vast majority of us are not aware that we have these feelings and desires.
For example, I want to finish writing this response. But how would I know that? It is not like there is a little voice in my head saying 'I want to finish writing this response'. If anything, it seems more like something unknowable.
So, how could I know that I wanted to finish writing this response? Well, the only way would be if there were some sort of feeling or desire present in me.
But what is this feeling or desire? How would I know if it was there?