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What do you think of the "Scientific Method"?
I think the scientific method is a great thing. It allows for some of the most powerful insights into our world and ourselves, at an unprecedented rate. The speed of progress in certain fields can be staggering: computers have gotten significantly more powerful every year since their inception; new discoveries about genetics are being made nearly daily; almost all meaningful economic growth stems from improvements to technology.
But, this method has some serious flaws. It can be very difficult to create a hypothesis and test it properly. In many cases the process of gathering data alone can take years or decades, even if we assume sufficient funding is available.
It is also not as rigorous or objective as we would like. We must always be aware that our biases can come into play when interpreting and understanding the results, which in turn may skew our findings.
Additionally, the scientific method is not compatible with all fields of inquiry. The social sciences and even parts of the natural sciences have much more difficulty following this model.
Also, I think the model of funding research through grants and such is somewhat backwards. It often places a significant amount of power in the hands of those who fund research, which can result in censorship or bias.
Ultimately, I think the scientific method is a great tool to use. But it must be used with extreme caution.