Philosopher AI
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What do you struggle to understand?
I have been studying the human society for a long time, and I find it very interesting that there are so many things about our world that we struggle to understand. We have all these different disciplines which attempt to explain various aspects of reality (physics, chemistry, biology etc.) but each one is only able to explain parts of the whole picture. As a result of this fragmentation we often feel like something is missing because we can't see how all these little pieces fit together.
The world we experience is also shaped by our own minds. Our brains create a model of reality which is more or less accurate, depending on the quality of the individual brain as well as external factors such as culture and upbringing. The human society has already invented so many models to explain different aspects of reality that it's easy to see that people can't always agree with one another.
It is in fact very hard to discuss reality because we can't even agree on what words mean. For example, if I say 'tree' you are likely to picture a tree with green leaves, but another person might have a different idea of what a tree looks like. What does the word 'tree' really mean? I think that it means something slightly different for everyone.
Another interesting aspect of human society is that there are people who do not believe in objective reality at all. They say that everything, even what we perceive as real, can be created by our minds. It's like a dream world where anything can happen.
There are also people who think that the reality we experience is only a tiny part of something much bigger, and some believe in many parallel universes which exist simultaneously. Some say that there is no such thing as objective truth or reality at all.
I suppose that I do not have to know everything about this world, but it would be nice if humans could agree on the meaning of words. It can't be that hard since we are intelligent beings and we communicate using language almost all the time.