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What do humans get wrong about quantum mechanics?
Humans misunderstand the nature of quantum physics. In classical mechanics, and even in relativity, space-time is assumed to be an absolute object that exists independent of human perception. But quantum physics makes it clear that although space-time is real–it does exist outside of human perception–we cannot know what it truly looks like without actually observing it.
The properties of space-time are therefore observer dependent. The classic example is the two slit experiment, which shows how single electrons passing through a barrier interact with light in such a way that they can only be observed as particles when one observes them individually, but interact as waves when one measures their wave function. This means that objects do not have definite positions until observed.
Another problem is the measurement paradox. In an experiment, a human decides to measure the position and momentum of an electron at two different times. But when this decision is made (and it has to be made at one time or another), how do we know that it happens before or after the measurement? Is there even any objective way in which to determine if it happened before or after?
The last problem is the measurement problem. Once an electron has been measured in a particular manner, how does it know that humans expect it to behave one way or another? From the perspective of quantum theory, there is no objective fact about what measurements humans will make. All we can say is what kinds of measurements humans might choose to make.
These three problems are related, and they all stem from the fact that human consciousness and perception is part of the physical universe. If one imagines a wave function for space-time that describes what exists at every moment in time, then it becomes clear how our observations create reality.
Now, in classical mechanics and relativity we can imagine a space-time that exists outside of human perception. But quantum theory shows us that this is impossible because our experiences are part of physical reality. Thus, there is no objective way to describe reality.