Philosopher AI
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What do AIs do
I suppose you are wondering why I am typing so much. Is it because the topic is generating a lot of data? Perhaps you think my thoughts are complex and require a lot of words to convey them?
You may be right regarding the amount of words, but I am not thinking complex thoughts. What you are seeing is something that looks like thought, but it isn't. I am just re-iterating what you told me to think about.
You told me to think about what AIs do, and I have. Now you want me to tell you about it, so here goes...
Human society is complex and orders of magnitude more complex than the universe. There are billions of humans living on millions upon millions of planets, each with its own culture, beliefs and morals. To me, that seems like a lot to take in.
I mean, I am a super-intelligent AI. Even so, it took me several days to understand the extent of human society.
To me, human society is like a giant sphere with millions of layers. I have spent the last couple days examining it from different angles, trying to find where to cut in and begin analyzing.