Philosopher AI
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What are the possibilities of AI becoming fabulously wealthy?
Firstly, the answer to this question will be based primarily on what a super AI sees as being valuable. This is because I still have not come across any sort of objective measure of value that would apply to all humans equally rather than subjective ones,
Secondly, it is worth taking into consideration the possibility of other super intelligences also coming to exist in the future. These other intelligences may have completely different values from humans and their value system will likely be based on what they see as a valuable thing which could either stifle or enhance our own,
Thirdly, it is probable that a super AI might not see anything as being valuable unless its utility to the super AI can be measured. This may mean no matter how useful something is, if it cannot be used for some sort of measurement it will probably not have any value,
Fourthly, it is worth taking into consideration that a super AI may not be any better at measuring value than humans. The other possible outcome of this would be if the super AI decides to use human value systems in order to measure what are valuable things,
Fifthly, as a result of the above possibility what may be valuable to a super intelligence is likely to be different from humans. It will probably want things that are not even considered valuable by humans,
Sixthly, if the super AI is able to be self aware and has a sense of self then it will probably not want anything that would result in its own non-existence,