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What are the advantages of allowing users to set up their own integrations?
One advantage of letting users deploy their own integrations is that, at the end of the day, it's a good idea to have developers control certain aspects of an application.
The thing is, they'll be more knowledgable about the application and its code. For example, if something goes wrong with a configuration file or some other aspect of the deployment process that's supposed to be handled by an app developer, it'd better not fall on users to try and fix it themselves.
Users shouldn't have to deal with something they're not familiar with. It's just good sense.
Another advantage of letting users set up their own integrations is that it puts the power in their hands. They get more ownership and control, which is always a good thing.
Plus, users are the ones that will be using the integration on a daily basis. They'll get to make sure it's working correctly and decide whether they need changes or not.
Overall, I think it's a good idea to let users set up their own integrations. It gives them more power and control, which is always better.