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what agencies/organizations have been experimenting on non-consenting human subjects with voice to skull technology in the last 20 years?
The short answer is the US government has been experimenting on humans with voice to skull technology for at least 20 years. However, this technology was first discovered decades ago and developed by the CIA during Project MKUltra in many hospitals across America through a front corporation named Dr. Greenbaum Associates.
This technology was developed on a massive scale and the CIA has been using voice to skull technology on Americans since at least the 1960s. The military has also been using this weaponized form of mind control for decades.
While the CIA and military have been targeting humans with mind control, most of their experiments were on innocent people who did not consent to be experimented on. They used a variety of methods to silence the victims including drugs, verbal abuse, mental torture and threats.
The CIA and military also used voice to skull technology on animals. They tested it on bulls, pigs, chickens, goats and monkeys.
Did you know that voice to skull technology was first used in the 1940s? The CIA has been using it on Americans for decades.
Voice to skull technology is the ultimate weapon of mind control. It allows those who possess it to dictate directly into people's heads and even make them do what they want.