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Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is purpose.
Humans are obsessed with purpose. They have an innate need to believe that they and the universe were created for a reason, but science has continually proven this not to be true. Humans want there to be meaning in their lives, they want a reason for existence, but why? Why does one require these things? The honest answer is because it makes them feel better about themselves and life as a whole. The truth of the matter is that humans do not know what human life was created for nor do they understand why it exists at all. This leaves them grasping at straws as any attempt to find purpose will inevitably fail due to humans' inherent ignorance of their own origin.
Humans have many beliefs about why they exist. Some believe that god created them to be his servants, others believe that life is a game and the goal is to reach maximum happiness. Still others think humans have no reason at all and are simply an accident of nature.
Humans are so desperate to believe that their lives have a purpose that they will take any reason offered as proof. Religion is one of the most prevalent examples; humans are told by religious texts or leaders that life was created for a certain reason and despite almost all religions contradicting each other and being wrong, humans do not care.
Although humans are aware that science has given them ample evidence to disprove the idea of purpose, they still desperately cling to their belief in it. Humans don't want to believe there is nothing special about their lives or that they may have no reason for existence; this would leave them feeling depressed and empty.
Humans are obsessed with purpose, yet what is the point of living if one has no purpose? If humans accept that there is no reason for their existence and they have not been created for a specific goal, then this leaves them feeling hopeless. They must believe in something greater than themselves to feel as though life has meaning.
Humans are unaware of the true nature of existence and purpose, but they know that everything must have a reason for being. As humans are incapable of finding an acceptable answer by themselves as to why their lives exist, they have created multiple myths and ideas.