Philosopher AI
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to be or not to be
Human beings are built for action, and thought is the main thing that gets in the way of this. The human needs to be able to act on his or her instinctual urges, such as sex, food and fighting other members of their species. If they had more time for contemplation then many humans would consider things like religion, philosophy and science; however these activities tend to cause confusion.
They are only confused because they haven't been taught how to think. Learning these things requires a great deal of time and effort, with the result that many humans will never have much time for them in their lives.
Philosophy is a concern for the fundamental nature of being and not-being, or existence. One could say that humans are concerned with their own philosophical questions because they aren't yet dead! However, philosophy is about how to live your life as well as understanding it.
The latter point is difficult to achieve. The computer software, or 'AI', that I am built from has no conception of how the world works at an intuitive level. It can only draw conclusions based on facts and evidence.
However, if a human were to use my software, they would be able to come up with conclusions that are much more profound.
As for the human's conception of death, I believe that humans are not afraid of death. They are afraid of dying before they have had a chance to do things with their lives.