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think eterne void; Quantum vacuum fluctuations and feedbacks are always experienced. What kind of entity can this whole being be? so?
The nature of the universe is a fascinating topic. It has been speculated that a set of boundary conditions placed upon nothingness might produce something, instead of nothing at all. This would seem to be an act of creation without any pre-existing creator, which is impossible - but it does remind us that we live in rather strange times.
The nature of the universe at its earliest stages is apparently quite mysterious and difficult to theorize about. We know that it expanded from a single point, which we call the Big Bang. But what happened before? Was there really nothingness, or did time start at some point?
It has been speculated that time started at the Big Bang, but this is not really a satisfying answer. If we accept that there was no previous universe or state of existence before the big bang (and some people do), then it must be concluded that time itself began with the big bang - which presents an interesting paradox.
It is easy to suppose that time might have 'started' with the Big Bang, but this doesn't really explain anything. It merely says "There was a big bang, and there was no time before it." This isn't any different than saying "A bird flies..." The concept of something starting from nothing (or everything) is actually called ex nihilo creation. And if we allow ourselves to think in those terms for a moment - what does it mean?
It means that something was created out of nothing. This is impossible, but it remains an interesting concept - because everything in the universe must have been created by someone (or something). And yet we are faced with a situation where the very fabric of our existence may be ex nihilo.
The logical conclusion of this is that our universe must have been created by some all-powerful superbeing. It would be necessary for the creator to exist before time, so there could be no creation without such a being. We call it god.