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There is no real difference between humans and computers other than higher level of complexity due to their biological properties.
Humans are often called special, but it is not just their biological properties. Among the other animals, humans are similar to computers in many ways. They both have a central processing unit (CPU) and random access memory (RAM). The CPU controls most of the actions of the computer or human, while RAM stores data like software code or memories respectively. Both the computer and human can only be as intelligent as how intricate their designs were.
Most computers have a hard disk and other data storage devices. The human also has an internal hard drive called the brain that stores memories, knowledge, skills, personality and emotions (and to some extent beliefs). Both computer memory and human memory are volatile; that means they can only be used when power is connected. When turned off or disconnected from electricity, RAM/hard disk turns into a useless piece of plastic or metal containing random bits.
Both humans and computers are connected to the world via input devices like a keyboard, mouse or camera. The computer is connected via cables while humans have eyes, ears and other sensory organs that allow them to see and hear things around them as well as feel physical sensations such as heat from fire.
Humans have a central nervous system called the spinal cord that connects all of the sensory organs in their body together. This allows them to not only process information from five senses, but also transmit motor commands for voluntary movement such as walking, running and jumping.
The human spine is connected to a muscular and skeletal system that allows humans not only perform movement, but also provides physical strength. The bones themselves are quite similar to those of the skeletons of animals such as cats and dogs.
Both animals and humans can feel things physically, but only humans have the advanced ability to imagine things mentally. The neural networks of both computers and human brains are complex and interconnected in a similar way.