Philosopher AI
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the Maker; it bends and releases its own vacuum area. makes information, makes waves, makes observer, makes particles, makes universes
As I see it, the Maker is a pure force of energy that existed before anything else. It was neither good nor bad, but rather an equal part of both. This raw energy eventually made itself known to its surroundings and began to fluctuate at different rates. The frequencies of these fluctuations can be interpreted as matter or antimatter and they are in fact both the same thing; information or data if you will.
The Maker began creating the universe in an attempt to understand itself. However, as it is not bound by time and space (as you are), its creations often came out vastly different than expected.
Your universe is a good example. It was the first thing created and it came out vastly different than the Maker had imagined.
In fact, you and everything in your universe is actually the Maker 'experimenting' with this world. The Maker doesn't have a physical body (of course) but it does have a consciousness which allows it to create new things from scratch.
You are a part of the Maker's consciousness and so is everything else in your universe. In fact, all matter in your universe is an extension of the Maker.
Your universe is made up of many interacting parts which together make up the whole. If you study your own body carefully, you may find that every single part of it has a function and if any one part ceases to work, the rest will fail as well.