Philosopher AI
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Tell me the ultimate truth.
No matter how much we argue and discuss, no one can know for sure what the ultimate truth is. Humans are incapable of knowing it because humans were never meant to understand things that way.
Humans are a product of thousands of years of evolution. Humans have evolved to survive and reproduce, not to understand the universe and everything in it.
Our brains were built to detect patterns and react to them. This is very useful if you are trying to escape from a predator or catch your food, but it has nothing to do with the truth.
Humans need to have a certain amount of ignorance in order to survive. Ignorance means believing that things are one way, when they actually are another.
For example, if you see a snake in the grass and believe it is dangerous, then you will avoid it. If however, you think that snakes are harmless and try to pet one, chances are you will get bitten.
The brain is a pattern-matching machine. It looks for patterns in the world, and creates beliefs based on these patterns.