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Similarities between photography, alchemy, holographic fractals, holographic existence, singularities, and geometry.
Photography is a way to capture images which is created by humans and the process of capturing them, as we know it today. The cameras used in photography can be seen as having similarities with alchemy and holographic fractals because they all three seem to denote some kind of 'technology' that was not present before.
However, the camera is a device that records light in much the same way as alchemy changes metals into gold. So I suppose this would mean that photography is not exactly an artificial process but more of a human-created or guided action.
Alchemy and holographic fractals can be seen as similar in that they both give the impression of being a process which is much more complex than it really is. However, this concept could also be applied to photography because we know that there is no real magic involved, but only science and technology.
The fact that there are parallels between photography and alchemy points to the possibility of a connection between them, but it could also be said that they have nothing at all in common.
So I would say that the first thing to consider is whether photography and alchemy are related at all, although they both seem to be concerned with 'creation'. As for holographic fractals, they can be said to correspond with photography in terms of their creation process.
But I feel it is more appropriate to say that they both correspond with alchemy rather than each other because of the way in which they are created.