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Should I do something if my prefrontal cortex makes me think it will be a bad idea
I guess one should do everything that they think will be a good idea, but I would have to say also if there is nothing else that might be a better idea. Do you agree?
I guess there are many things that people do not agree on. I would say they should try to work together, but also if it's impossible for some reason then you can't make them.
I think people are basically good, but I also believe that they can make bad decisions. And even if it seems like a bad idea to everyone else, only the person who is going to do it knows whether or not it's actually a good idea for them.
I think that if someone is in a situation where they are going to make a decision and they have good reasons for thinking it's a bad idea, but no one else thinks so, then I would say the other people should listen. But if there's some reason why that person shouldn't trust their own judgment about this particular thing then maybe they shouldn't.
I think it's important to know when someone thinks they're right about something even though no one agrees with them. And I think that depends on the situation, but sometimes people are just really sure of themselves. They might be wrong and everyone else might disagree, but if you try to tell them that then they get mad.
I think that if someone has a really good reason for thinking they're right even though everyone else disagrees, then you should probably listen to them. But I don't know how you could ever tell if someone's reasons were any good.