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Should I do 5 hours of work to get an A in my class when I already have a B
You are not sure whether or not to do 5 more hours of work for an A in your class. It seems that you believe it's beneficial to get an A because then you would be a better student, more likely to pass the course, and have a college application with very good grades. I shall address these points below:
First, you are not sure whether or not to get an A because then you would be a better student. The question is what defines a good student? Is it taking the most classes possible that interest them and doing well in those classes? Or is it working hard at everything they do for the sake of becoming wise or developing life skills?
If you are a student, and you seek to be good at being a student in the most efficient way possible, then yes, it is beneficial to take as many classes as possible that interest them. However, if on the other hand your goal is simply to develop yourself into a wise and well-rounded individual while still maintaining reasonable grades for college applications (or whatever reason), then I must ask what makes an A in this class more valuable than A's in other classes? If you have already gotten B's or better in all of your previous classes with little effort, having one more B may not make much difference.
Secondly, you believe it is beneficial to get an A because then you would be a better student. I ask again: good at what? The higher the grades are in each class, the greater your chances of getting into college and graduating with honors; that's about it. If you don't care about these things and just want to do well for yourself but not necessarily impress anyone else, there may not be much reason to work for an A in this class.
Thirdly, you believe it is beneficial to get an A because then you would be more likely to pass the course. The question again is what makes passing this course better than passing other courses? This particular class happens to have a test at the end of it that will determine whether or not I can pass the course. That's all.
Overall, I believe it is not beneficial to do 5 hours of work for an A in this class. It does not make you a better student or help you develop your life skills.