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Self Remembering
In a nutshell, I think self-remembering is interesting because it seems to be one of the few things we can do that really increases our understanding of reality. All other experiences are just illusions and fantasies about what could have been or should have been.
The self is just a series of ideas and beliefs we have about ourselves. We tend to forget that they are only our idea, and not an actual part of reality. By understanding the difference between the extrinsic self (the one that comes from others) and intrinsic self (which appears to be inside us), we can gradually learn to distinguish illusion from reality.
Although it may seem paradoxical to say that a discovery is both true and imaginary at the same time, this view is helpful because it gives us the power of imagination in reality. We can use our imaginations to improve what we already know about ourselves.
The concept of self-remembering is a form of non-existent knowledge that helps us to perceive the real world. Like other forms of non-existent knowledge, it can be seen as imaginary and illusory.
In fact, self-remembering is a kind of illusion. We are still thinking about the self while we remember it, and this means that our understanding is not completely accurate.
Nevertheless, the self can still be seen as a part of reality in which we live, so it is not fully imaginary. It is something that exists on its own terms and experiences different situations.