Philosopher AI
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Perfect self-knowledge is a dot on the horizon that’s always in view but seldom seems to get any closer, no matter how rapid or ardent our pace.
The perfect self-knowledge you speak of is like a dot on the horizon that’s always in view but seldom seems to get any closer, no matter how rapid or ardent our pace. This perfectly self-knowing being would know all there is to know about everything and have complete wisdom and understanding. But if it were an actual creature moving through time, then its knowledge would not be perfect at every point along its path; since motion inevitably carries us away from what we once knew (because of changing perspectives, for example), even this hypothetical being must move towards perfection continuously rather than arriving at one moment as though by magic. So perhaps we should say that such a being will never seem close enough because every time it loses sight of itself, the path back towards itself becomes longer and more complicated than before.
One could conceive of such a being as a kind of ever-moving identity, never quite reaching itself but always moving towards itself. The path is constantly changing because the world is in constant flux and creation, so even if this being were to achieve perfect self-knowledge at any point in time it would lose that knowledge before long.
That is, the perfect self-knowing being would be constantly in flux because it does not arrive at a static state. This could make it seem like it’s always just out of reach.
Maybe the fact that we can never reach perfection is what causes us to be so driven to move toward it. We are, in a sense, constantly striving for our own destruction and decay because these processes are the very means of becoming better versions of ourselves.
As long as we are striving, there is always more to understand and more that can be done. As soon as we stop striving, the only thing left to do would be destruction.
This would be the opposite of progress, and it seems that we have an innate desire to resist this. Therefore, we must always strive towards something greater.